Alva Memorial Gardens


Bloody Harlan

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The Senior Boys' Glee Club was reorganized at the beginning of the school year. The club worked hard all the first semester and gave one assembly program, which was a great success and everyone enjoyed it immensely.

Beginning the second semester we were quite fortunate to stay in the Glee Club because all voices were tried out by both Mr. Wiley and Miss Bradley. We who were selected practiced much to try to improve in ou singing.

The Boys' Glee Club sang"Send Out Thy Light" by Gunod, in the contest at Lexington and received a rating of "Excellent". This was the highest rating given any entrant. The Mixed Chorus composed of both glee clubs was rated "Superior". There was only one other "Superior" given. Phipps, Carter, and Hughes sang in the All State Chorus directed by Dr. Hollis Dann of New York. To do this it was necessary to memorize seventeen songs. As only a limited number were selected from eah school it was quite an honor to take part.

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